We (humans) tend to miss many problematic structures in text which results in words, terms, and phrases misconstrued by others.
Generate better documents, faster
Catch problematic language before it becomes a problem
Rectify linguistic imprecision and ambiguity
Reduce risk
These are constructions that use “and” or “or”, where it may be unclear which concepts in a list or pair should be grouped together In cases where an appropriately placed final comma (Oxford comma) is optional, we recommend it for clarity.
These are typically pronouns distant from the referent to which they are attached. The more distant the referent, the more likely the pronoun will be thought to apply to an unintended referent.
These are usages of language that express uncertainty, necessity, ability or permission, most often in a weak manner. Examples are words like can, could, may, ought, should and others of like expressions.
These findings occur when the sentence in question is long enough to present a misunderstanding. Studies have shown that as sentences increase in length they have a greater risk of ambiguity.
Well, the green check mark.