How to use the Vital Text Systems Add-In for Microsoft® Word

How To Get the Add-In

  1. Open a new instance of Microsoft® Word
  2. In the ribbon, click Insert > Get Add-Ins.
  3. In the Office Add-Ins Store search box enter the word “vital”.
  4. Click on the Vital Text Analysis Service entry to read the description and details.
  5. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
  6. Click “Add”.

The Office Add-ins store will close and, in a few moments, the VTAS Add-In should appear on the ribbon by itself or via the ribbon’s “Add-ins” tab.

How To Run the Add-In

  1. Click the VTAS Add-in on the ribbon. It may only appear under the Add-ins tab on the ribbon.
  2. The VTAS task pane should open on the right of Word. In a couple of seconds the Home screen will appear.
  3. Enter your Vital Text Systems account information (your email and password) then click “Login”

After logging in to your Vital Text Systems account, the VTAS pane will display the “Document Info” page. But you can also click the other tabs at the top of the pane: Home, Directions, Results, Definitions.


Contains the login screen or the Document Info page, depending on whether or not you are currently logged in to your Vital Text Systems account.


Instructions on how to use the VTAS Add-in.


Display of scan results & findings. If you haven’t run a scan yet, you’ll see a message that says “Oops! It looks like you haven't run a VTAS scan on your document yet! No worries. Just click the "Home" tab. The "Scan my text" button is at the bottom of the page.”


Definitions of result finding categories.

NOTE: If you don’t have a Vital Text Systems account, click the sign up link in the pane or follow the steps found in “ How To Create a Vital Text Systems Account”, below.

NOTE: Entering the wrong login information will cause the pane to reload so you can try again.

NOTE: The VTAS Add-in will only work on MS Word *.docx files (Word versions 2013, 2016, Office 365)

How To Run a Scan

  1. On the Document Info/Home tab enter an alphanumeric Charge Code. This code is for your reference only, to help you identify which documents were scanned for which projects. The charge code could be all letters, all numbers, or any combination you choose up to 30 characters long.
  2. Click “Scan my text!”

The VTAS Add-in will evaluate the size of your document and give you an estimated time to your results (typically just a couple of seconds).

When the scan results are ready the pane will automatically navigate to the Results tab.

Scan results are added to your document!

This means, you can save & close the document, logout of VTAS, come back later, log back into VTAS and load the results of a previous scan.

You also have the option to clear the results of the previous scan and start over.

NOTE: The document must contain enough text to scan. Scanning an empty document will display a notice to this effect.

How To Interpret Scan Results

We’ll display the scan results in several key ways.

  • Scan ID (a unique identifier associated with the scanned document)
  • Score (a numeric value representing the document’s linguistic value quotient. Higher is better)
  • Issues Found
  • Total number of sentences
  • Number of sentences with issues
  • Number of sentences with multiple issues
  • Range of severities (The number of issues found at various levels of risk)
  • Categories & Counts (How many issues were found in what risk categories)
  • Flagged Sentences (The actual sentences found to have issues, risk level, and risk categories.)

Clicking on a row under Flagged Sentences will:

  • Jump to, and highlight, that sentence in the document
  • Display further details about the found risk, corrective suggestions.
  • Display an “add comment” icon that, when clicked, will add these details as a review comment to the document itself. This enables you to come back to this particular finding later.

NOTE: The document must be saved before closing, in order to preserve the review comments that were added by VTAS. You may wish to save with a different file name in order to differentiate from your original document, for example: myfilename_vts.docx

How To Create a Vital Text Systems Account

  1. Navigate to our website at
  2. Click the “Login” link in the navigation bar
  3. Under the login form click the “Register here” link and follow the instructions


Why do I need an account?

We need a way to make sure you can track your usage, progress, history, etc.

How much does an account cost?

Nothing! Accounts are free!

How much do document scans cost?

Nothing! For now, scans are free up to a 10 scans or 10,000 scanned kilobytes per day, subject to change without notice.

How do I view my scan history?

Login to your account at our website,, and you will automatically be taken to your Account Info/Scan History page. You can even see statistics on where your scans came from, when you ran scans, and average risk category breakdowns.

Are other languages supported?

At the current time, VTAS only supports English. Plans are being made to support other languages.


Forgotten Password

Go to our website at, click the Login link, look for “Forgot password? Click here to reset it”

Add-in Icon greyed out in MS Word

This typically happens if the document you have open is not a *.docx file.

Add-in won’t launch

Hmm. That’s a tough one. Please compile details and send in an email to